Different trading systems for selling the fur production

1) The Public Pelts Buy

     The marketing managers chinchilla skins worldwide are called assemblers (acopiadores in spanish).
They are the ones who make it possible for a small ranch producer that lives in a village of 1000 inhabitants and 1000 km. of a major city, to reach a piece of high couture and to be sold in Elissee Champs in Paris at higher prices than $ 50,000.
The work of these collectors is divided into two parts:

- Buying to the breeder.
There are many collectors of skins of chinchillas in the world, and are of different nationalities. Whose job is to address all those cities where they can get a reasonable amount of skins and publicly buy skin by skin comparing patterns

Chinchillas Eldorado is responsible for studying and informing farmers about the options available according to the annual calendar. It is chosen for a reason for payment, price, security, backup, distances, etc. Long before the sale becomes effective, all customers from Chinchillas Eldorado will be informed about where, when and with whom the public sale of skins are made.

In 90% of cases they are planned for the weekend, so nobody is left out because of labor problems. The day of the sale there will be a table for graduation in order to value the skins (exactly like we use in the cabaña to examine our animals) and other tables so that producers can give their last combed skins before selling.

On the table, the gatherer will compare patterns. We are talking about skins with different qualities and sizes. Generally there are ten skins on the table each with its label with the dollar value. So there will be skins for u $ s 10, $ s20, $ s30, $ s40, $ s50, $ s60, $ s70, $ s80, $ s90 and US $ 100. The differences will be perfectly visible even for the inexperienced breeder. The first will be smaller, lighter and more flat, rising in size, color, long hair and others, as they raise their prices.

Everything is ready for the first producer to start selling openly and publicly. The producer will deliver the first skin to the gatherer, who will then place it in the middle of the two most similar of his. Differences and similarities are clear. In no case skin or $ 50 may be located in the middle of u $ 10 or $ 20 u, as the producer and the rest of breeders would retire at the same time. And the gatherer who traveled to the place, paid all his living expenses and per diem will return to his country without the skins he came for. (And note that Argentina is not exactly in the center of the planet)

Gatherer will speak loudly the prices, giving corresponding explanations for each case and each skin. Example ... "This skin worth $ s56 or because it is darker and bigger than u $ s50 but does not reach u $ s60 because the hair should be a little longer" ....

The producer can say Ok (which sells) or NO (not sell). Both the first and second case, continue with the next skin. The price is not negotiable and it is only based on the quality of each skin. (The gatherer writes the price of the skin in the leather and when completed the sale, all the skins of this first producer shall be detailed on one sheet (today is done by computer)  with the value corresponding to each tag or skin, the amount, and the total value to be paid.

Payment is at the same time, cash or check to the day, usually the latter becase of a security issue. Remember that the skin will offer identification tag, it is a closed metal sealed with a special clip that renders inviolable, as will be cut to open if tryed to break it. Each precinct will have a multi-digit number and can be signed by the breeder himself. This tag or seal is placed just before being sent to the tannery and it has several reasons. First it serves us to individualize the skin and know what animal it comes from, and second, so in no case it can get lost or confused in the tannery since the numbering individualizes the owner.

The interesting thing about this system, besides being crystalline, is its educational part. Every good gatherer spends time explaining to each producer, genetics and management of their skins deficiencies. The observer breeder never repeats errors.

Sometimes the buyer loses half hour valuing 20 skins to a small producer and sometimes longer too. But he knows what he teaches will be very well received by the producer, if he is diligent, next time he will have more and better skins. Usually the meticulous breeder who learns from the teachings of a gatherer, becomes a loyal customer of the same. THIS LAST IS WHAT CARES, Gatherers NEED OF OUR SKINS AND NOTHING BETTER THAN SAFE AND CONTINUESLY lIN MANY GUESTS SKINS of good quality.

When the seller is a former breeder or cabañero, sometimes selling is so fast that he can buy up to 500 skins in half an hour, since both (the gatherer and the old producer) know at a glance the value that every skin deserves .

Gatherer from one side of the table with comparison patterns.

Note the price tag with the preset patterns.
foto_7.jpg (14917 bytes) Another gatherer using the same comparison system.

Note the graduation table with fluorescent light tubes to see all the details of the skins

Skin by skin, by comparison,at one side the buyer and at the other one his assistant, in front, hundred of other producers waiting for their turn.

Working with Eldorado Chinchillas s.r.l. You can have the peace of mind that you can "always" sell your skins in any (or all) of the 4 Public Sales, our company organizes every year.

Eldorado customers only have this privilege

  Every year








Mailto: eldorado@chinchilla.com.ar

Calle Venezuela 3956

(1211) Capital Federal
Buenos Aires - República Argentina
Tel/fax: (54-11) 4981-0034


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