A real alternative to achieve "our own business account" (Independent entrepreneur)

The Lanigera known chinchilla fur garments or in breeding places,it is an animal that is extinct in the wild since the late nineteenth century. Its former natural habitat, Argentina and Chile along Puna, south of Bolivia and Peru, no longer has species of these animals. The poaching in those years have completely extinguished them.

The current generation of chinchillas exist thanks to what is called THE SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE . The existence of farms in the hands of producers who care, nurture and produce skins is feasible since achieved an income from the sale of the skins of surplus males.
No income means no farms,  and no farms mean no more chinchillas. A reservation specially created for this purpose and supported by the State could keep some of them, but the reality is that they could not survive more than a week of life, since they have become accustomed to receiving food from the hand of man. (We are talking about more than 220 generations -2 x year since 1920)

The hundreds of thousands of chinchillas that exist today worldwide, expanding year after year thanks to the existence of breeding sites (the producer annually expands the number of females in production and slaughter the male-a surplus males ), it allows for more chins each year nationally and globally. Otherwise, the nonexistence of breeding places and the emergence of reserves held by the State would transform in a few months nearly from 1 million chinchillas in the world to a few tens of survivors.

Chinchillas Lanígeras population living in the Argentina Republic
"Wild" Vs. "cattery"


Chinchillas from breeding

Wild Chinchillas


Quantity aprox





(Declared extinct wild chinchilla Lanigera)























































The business venture.

a) How does the profitable activity works?

b) What are the necessary requirements to start in this activity?

c) What is your income?

d) How is the marketing of production?

e) Who are the ultimate consumers of our product?

These and many more are the most frequent questions that interested in starting production usually perform.

 a) How does the profitable activity works?

Basic Information Required

Low production costs: A chinchilla eats 25 grams of feed, a handful of alfalfa and water. It works with polygamous systems families in which a male serves 4 or 5 females. Gestation is 111 days and they have 4 children per year in two different parities.
Male and female. It works with polygamous families. The male has 4 or 5 females for him. The cages are interconnected through the tunnel or the male corridor. He moves around and goes down to eat food from their females or to cover them. There is no need to join them for sex, they do it alone when they are in heat.
A chinchilla feeder (the plate, 15 cm x 6 cm) with the daily ration of pellets (balanced pressings cereals are achieved throughout the country, simile to rabbit), oat, germ and bran, as reinforcement (three times per week) .

Minimum of care: A person can serve 50 animals with half an hour daily work and up to 800 in 8 hours.
Frame of 30 cages (six families of a male and 5 female).Occupies a space of 1,75mts long, 55cm deep and 2.10 meters high.
Fluid financial move: At 6 months, both the male and the female are able to procreate, at 11 months of age they can be sacrificed (the surplus males). Remember you require only 25% of males who were born, the rest will be sold its production). ARMOTIZATION: A Chinchilla can live up to 20 years, procreate until 12 but it works commercially for 7 or 8 years. Then your skin has a high residual value. - Agile marketing system without monopolies: The skins are sold unitarily (thus the producer sells 1, 10, 100 or 1000), and its value depends entirely on the individual quality of each. We buy live production or leather since 1964, with a written contract (single cabin Argentina) given at the time of taking the animals.
The breeder facilities with 3000 skins ready to be sold.
The final  product (skin quality) has a demand much higher than the global supply. (Which ensures a good business for many years) It's a venture that does not require constant investment as working capital (wombs) are increasing year to year
No veterinary assistance is needed; no pests or epidemics. The few diseases that can affect are well known and today, who work with preventive methods, they can say that there are almost no diseases.
No need to make large investments in facilities, local or cages. (You can start in a room, a basement, a garage or a shed 3 x 3 m. Where you can accommodate up to 250 animals). The cages are individual, stackable and take up very little space (35cm x 35cm x 55cm). The important thing is that the place is closed, well ventilated and isolated from the outside temperature. This is why there are many chinchillas breeders anywhere in the country, whether in the cold of Tierra del Fuego, in the heat of Misiones, in the humidity of the capital or up the mountains in Mendoza. The cages can be manufactured by the breeder at very low prices. Obviously if you want you can purchase the cages manufactured and standardized.
Partial view of a room of 4 x 4 meters with 400 chinchillas.
Partial view of a room of 5 x 8 meters with 800 chinchillas.

b) What are the necessary requirements to start in this activity?

There are five requirements for a Man interested in the activity to become a breeder of chinchillas for fur production.

             1) Have the capital for the initial investment in reproductors. From usd 2.000 (the value of a family of one male and four females with their cages) onwards. You can start with one, two, 8, 15 or 50 or 200 families. It depends on each investor capital available

             2) Have the premises to accommodate the chins. (Any closed well ventilated and protected from extreme temperatures (must have a temperature range throughout the year between 10 ° and 28 °) is perfectly suited for starting the activity. The example garage 5 x 3, 3x3 room, the shed, the barbecue, etc. etc. are in full force and were the beginning of the breeding sites of large farms today.

             3) You must have other activity that will provide income during the first two years (minimum). It can be employed, owner, professional, industrial, etc, but the chinchilla will not grant income until at least 15 months from the start. There will be capital increase because of the young chinchillas that are born, but the first skins are sold when the new born in the cattery (surplus males) have approximately 10 months old. (If we add the gestation of 111 days, we are looking at 15 months)

             4) The new interested breeder has to be pleased with the treatment of animals. If the interested party does not like animals of any kind (dogs, cats, or cows, etc.) either you will like the chinchillas. You will never understand how the breeding activity works. With chins,  there are no strikes, they eat every day and the breeder should be well organized to do so. Someone who likes animals think this point is a nonsense, but we have the experience of 46 years in the business we know that, depending on the attractive numbers that throws this export industry, many people who have no idea on what is animal welfare and proper treatment of reproductors. We understand that these points should be clarified from the beginning, even before venturing deeper into the study of the activity.

             5) Patience: Features that the ineterest breeder must have because when compared to commercial activity, breeding chins is much slower, also comparing it with the Industrial. Compared to other animal production activity it is very fast (eg. Livestock, equine activity, etc, etc, are much slower than breeding chins). The trader buys merchandise in the morning and maybe sells afternoon with a profit margin, but then 3, 4 or 5 years old, he still is in the same place, perhaps with more clients but at the same place. Chins as breeding livestock activity allows exponential growth of capital giving eating and daily care of chins.

c) What is your income?

The rent is given by the difference in cost of production of each skin and its selling price.

Within production costs find, food (eat 25 gr. Of food per day, a bag of balanced feed for chins brings 25 kilos = 1000 servings and costs 45 pesos), the chip (the bed on the tray where the chin lives) gets changed weekly , marble dust for its two weekly baths (material highly economical ). fresh and green alfalfa, Water, A health kit (very little use, since the chins are not vaccinated, or have pests or epidemics). Electricity for the environment. (While working light is on, when it ends off, but may be needed, depending on location and local conditions, air conditioning for the summer, leather tanning, etc.

These costs hover at $ 15 per animal including the proportion of feeding and care of the respective breeding care of the animals that are intended for skin.

Sales prices of skins have a value ranging between u $ s 18 and u $ s 70, taking as a real and achievable average for the good producer of u $ s 40. You can quickly see the interest income 10 months of work. However it is not the same u $ s 20 for a skin and u $ s 50.

These price differences for production depend solely on two factors.

a) The quality of the reproductive parents that gave rise to those skins: Just as you can not pretend that a marriage of small height people (husband and wife 1,60mts measures 1.50mts)to give birth all children of 2 meters high. Nor can two small, clear with yellow bellies and short haired reproductors to give large, dark, long-haired, white belly fur

The genetics of the initial players definitely set the course of breeding in the future. If you started with cheap breeding reproductors of people leaving the activity (just because their skins do not get income), the inevitable end will be the same as those who sold them. (Only to be a couple of years later)

Instead, someone who begins with a recognized serious cabin that exposes all it's years in the exhibitions of major chins (such as the Rural Society Argentina or Argentina Breeders Association Chinchillas) surely receive the international quality needed in reproductor to then get skins according to the requirements of the international market. That is: Dark, dense Large, white bellies, absent a reddish gray tints, and own unique silkiness of these animals.

b) Poor performance of the minimum tasks involved in chinchilla breeding, by the breeder. Nothing has been invented against Neglect, inefficiency and lack of compliance with the obligations of the entrepreneur, yet. There is a definite parallel between those who buy good reproductors in serious cabins and works good as a producer and there is the one who buys "Used" breeding and as not seeing results, he starts to neglect his breed. A good product (good skin) can be ruined by repeated failures in chip changing in the animal's cage (it's a weekly change). Dirty and wet chip can no longer absorb rust and stain from the skin. The same applies to farms with poor ventilation and overcrowding. Finally and foremost it is necessary to clarify that who learns from good sources (serious cabins) hardly commits such errors.

Chinchilla first International Quality. Great, Densiy, Dark, bulled, Longhair, and veiling coverage, without brown stains, Chinchilla not suitable for production activity
Chinchilla fur is wooly, mousy, light, shorthair,
Premium leather from players of international quality (only findable in serious Cabins with seniority and experience)

(Animal photo above)
Poor quality skin from Chinchillas unfit for fur production quality. (Animal photo above)
Garment made from the skins of international quality. Sublime, exotic and the pledge of the world world's most expensive fur. Chinchilla fur. Chinchilla wearing sleazy, trimmed, dyed and sold to a sector of the population of much less purchasing power than the true quality garments chinchilla and natural color.

d) How is the marketing of production?

     The marketing managers chinchilla skins worldwide are called assemblers.
They are the ones who make it possible for a small skin producer that lives in a village of 1000 inhabitants to 1000 km. of a major city, to reach a piece of high couture and to be sold in Elissee Champs in Paris at higher prices than $ 50,000.
The work of these collectors is divided into two parts:

- Buying to the breeder.
There are many collectors of skins of chinchillas in the world, and are of different nationalities. Whose job is to address all those cities where they can get a reasonable amount of skins and publicly buy skin by skin comparing patterns

Chinchillas Eldorado is responsible for studying and informing farmers about the options available according to the annual calendar. It is chosen for a reason for payment, price, security, backup, distances, etc. Long before the sale becomes effective, all customers from Chinchillas Eldorado will be informed about where, when and with whom the public sale of skins are made.

In 90% of cases they are planned for the weekend, so nobody is left out because of labor problems. The day of the sale there will be a table for graduation in order to value the skins (exactly like we use in the cabaña to examine our animals) and other tables so that producers can give their last combed skins before selling.

On the table, the gatherer will compare patterns. We are talking about skins with different qualities and sizes. Generally there are ten skins on the table each with its label with the dollar value. So there will be skins for u $ s 10, $ s20, $ s30, $ s40, $ s50, $ s60, $ s70, $ s80, $ s90 and US $ 100. The differences will be perfectly visible even for the inexperienced breeder. The first will be smaller, lighter and more flat, rising in size, color, long hair and others, as they raise their prices.

The buyer in one side of the table with comparison patterns.

Note the price tag with the preset patterns.
Skin by skin, comparing on one side the buyer and his assistant, the other side hundreds of producers waiting their turn
Note that the rest of the breeders who have not yet sold their skins can jointly observe what is happening at every moment. How is he paying? What is rewarded? What is punished? What is taught?
You learn from the successes and mistakes from yourself and others. The good producer does not repeat mistakes
Participating in a sale of skins; security, transparency to the commercial act of selling the final product.

Everything is ready for the first producer to start selling openly and publicly. The producer will deliver the first skin to the gatherer, who will then place it in the middle of the two most similar of his. Differences and similarities are clear. In no case skin or $ 50 may be located in the middle of u $ 10 or $ 20 u, as the producer and the rest of breeders would retire at the same time. And the gatherer who traveled to the place, paid all his living expenses and per diem will return to his country without the skins he came for. (And note that Argentina is not exactly in the center of the planet)

Gatherer will speak loudly the prices, giving corresponding explanations for each case and each skin. Example ... "This skin worth $ s56 or because it is darker and bigger than u $ s50 but does not reach u $ s60 because the hair should be a little longer" ....

The producer can say Ok (which sells) or NO (not sell). Both the first and second case, continue with the next skin. The price is not negotiable and it is only based on the quality of each skin. (The gatherer writes the price of the skin in the leather and when completed the sale, all the skins of this first producer shall be detailed on one sheet (today is done by computer)  with the value corresponding to each tag or skin, the amount, and the total value to be paid.

Producers come to the table with their monthly production to be sold skin by skin as a unit. Each manages an efficient and economical transportation way to move the skins from their farm to the places of Public Sales
The presentation, the last touch of combing and grooming of fur gives them an added value at the time of its listing.
The good breeder, hardworking and with good quality of reproductors is guaranteed success.

Payment is at the same time, cash or check to the day, usually the latter becase of a security issue. Remember that the skin will offer identification tag, it is a closed metal sealed with a special clip that renders inviolable, as will be cut to open if tryed to break it. Each precinct will have a multi-digit number and can be signed by the breeder himself. This tag or seal is placed just before being sent to the tannery and it has several reasons. First it serves us to individualize the skin and know what animal it comes from, and second, so in no case it can get lost or confused in the tannery since the numbering individualizes the owner.

The interesting thing about this system, besides being crystalline, is its educational part. Every good gatherer spends time explaining to each producer, genetics and management of their skins deficiencies. The observer breeder never repeats errors.

Sometimes the buyer loses half hour valuing 20 skins to a small producer and sometimes longer too. But he knows what he teaches will be very well received by the producer, if he is diligent, next time he will have more and better skins. Usually the meticulous breeder who learns from the teachings of a gatherer, becomes a loyal customer of the same. THIS LAST IS WHAT CARES, Gatherers NEED OF OUR SKINS AND NOTHING BETTER THAN SAFE AND CONTINUESLY lIN MANY GUESTS SKINS of good quality.

Chinchilla fur producers are people of the most diverse areas, genders, ages and professions that one can imagine

Young couples Professionals of all kinds: engineers, lawyers, accountants, architects, etc, etc.
single woman Couples with children
Siblings companies  
Mothers with daughters large companies that want to diversify their income
Many young people investment group

When the seller is a former breeder, sometimes selling is so fast that he can buy up to 500 skins in half an hour, since both (the gatherer and the old producer) know at a glance the value it deserves every skin.


Dr. Fernando Aleandri
Commission Directive Member
Argentina Association of Breeders of Chinchillas
Venezuela 3956 (1211)
Federal capital
Tel 005411 491-0034 (rotating lines)



Volver arriba

Calle Venezuela 3956

(1211) Capital Federal
Buenos Aires - República Argentina
Tel/fax: (54-11) 4981-0034


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